I went shopping with my soon to be 13 year old daughter for a dress that would be suitable for a Father-Daughter dance, as well as a few other upcoming occasions. I have to say, I would much rather go to the dentist. Has anyone seen sorts of "party dresses" that they have out nowadays? And of course "everyone is wearing them" is what I heard from my beloved daughter. "If I have to wear a little girl dress like I did last year, I will wear pants!" were the threats that came out of her mouth. As I stood there with the other moms and daughters came in and out of the dressing rooms twirling and showing off their favorites, none of the other moms were dismayed as I was that there was more skin than fabric showing, and why would be bare shoulders be the fashion statement one would want to make in the middle of winter. Am I really the only one that feels this way?
There is a line of children's clothing called Ooh! La La Couture that is being promoted by a young Disney star. This line has been likened to adult lingerie by some critics. The Emily Grace Collection is named after 8-year-old "Hannah Montana" star Emily Grace Reaves, who helps design the line. This is not what a mom want's to see!
Moms, we need to be strong in our stand that will be many times be counter-cultural. We need to protect our girls, we don't need our 12 years olds looking like they are 21. We should be ourselves role models for others in how to dress. It is so important that we be the change that we wish to see in the world! Here are some quotes from Scripture that point to the importance of modesty:
"In like manner women also in decent appare; adornig themselves with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly attire, but as it becometh women profession godliness, with good works."
~Timothy 2"9-10
"But the fruit of the Spirit is, charity, joy, peace, patiences, begnignity, goodness, lonanimity, mildness, faith, modest, contincey, and chastity."
~Galatians 5:22-23
"You have heard tht it was said to the ancients, 'Thou shall not commit adultry.' But I say to you that anyone who so much looks with lust at a woman has alrady committed adultery with her in h is heart. "
"Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame." (Revelation 16:15).
Bl. Jacinta Marto (1908-1919) was one of the three childrent at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. She said,"Certain fashins will be introduced which will offent Our Lord very much. Persons who serve God must not follow the fashions. The Church does not have fasions; Our Lord is always the same. The sins of the world are very great."
Here are some websites that contain modest fashions, if anyone has any other favorites, please add them to the comments!