I have not posted for some time now, we have been occupied trying to figure out where my daughter would be going to high school in the Fall of 2011. She shadowed two Catholic High Schools, and one public. She loved both Catholic Schools, and the public, well I guess I should say, you better watch out for what you pray for. While she was shadowing there that day, I went to the Chapel of Adoration close to my home and asked God to very clearly let me know where I should send my daughter. The Catholic High Schools are just so expensive, the cheapest is over$ 7,500 a year, especially with my two other children are also in grade school at $2,500 each. I was sure that the message that I would receive ever so loud and clear was that I have done my best, my daughter adjust to and maybe even like the public school near our home.
That is not exactly how the day worked out for us. On the day she shadowed she found herself in the middle of a drug bust, with drug dogs and policeman, a complete lock-down that lasted more than two periods. During the day she said it was commonplace to see same-sex couples making out in the hallways. All this in one day. So after much thought and prayer, we put in her application to the Catholic High School that is closest to our sons grade school today. I will try my best to try and figure where we are going to get this money from. $12,500 to be exact. I am praying that our Lord will help us, and show us what we need to do. I have been looking for a part-time job, but there simply aren't any that will work with my schedule with the kids. Leaving them home alone for hours on end is not an option.
I am praying that my website, which offers personalized gifts,
The Custom Quill, will supplement my husbands income. I am also looking for scholarship and grant opportunities,
if any one out there knows of any that can be applied to Catholic school, please let me know!!As Mother Angelica has said, you have to do the
ridiculous for God to do the miraculous. Another favorite quote of hers, is that faith is one foot planted firmly on the ground, with one foot in the air. Sometimes we have to step out in faith not knowing how everything is all going to work out.
Today I am contemplating 2
Corinthians 12:9, "But He said to me,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."