I am so ready to welcome the season of Fall here in Ohio. This is my absolute favorite time of year, I find the coolness invigorating as the weather changes from the long, hot summer we have experienced this year. I love the Fall colors and comfort food that I love to make.
To me, call Fall brings to my mind how I will be working on my "nest", getting my home ready for my favorite time of the year. Here is a little look at what I have been doing around our house the past couple of weeks.
First of all, I have been doing some deep
cleaning. I want my home to be inviting, comfortable and clean so my home can be a place of hospitality, and and cozy place to cocoon in the winter for my family.
I have began a grand mission of
organizing my home. I have started with my linen closet, took absolutely everything out, with all goal of weeding out unwanted items.. The garage will be next before it gets too cold. It would would be great if we could get two cars in there this year! I have done my own closet, and was able to give away an entire garbage bag of cloths. I intend to empty out my kitchen cupboards, wash them out and get rid of items I have too many of. Our basement and attic will be last, getting rid of things I have been holding on to that should really be pitched or given away. I am on the lookout for some more totes and easy shelving to organize everything.
As I was cleaning my own closet, I am in the midst of bringing
everyone's wardrobe up to date. Out with the summer gear, in with the nice fuzzy sweaters and warm flannels! My daughter alone got ready three trash bags of cloths for donation. Now, we know what we need when we go shopping. I like get some sort of update for each of our wardrobe each year. It is not always financially feasible to do so, but it always is best when we know what we actually have that fits and what we needed to get rid of because we had outgrown them or simply have worn them out!
Outside, I have been
pulling out my garden. The snow will be flying before you know it, so I have been pulling everything that is done in my garden, and taking my deer fencing down. I am thinking about trying to grow some salad greens before the winter gets here.

I absolutely love
bringing out all of our fall decorations. I got a hay bale and put pumpkin out

top for our front door. I have nice burgundy mum that I have next to it. I LOVE mums, and have them all around the outside of my house. I have much success with them coming back year after year. I usually like to buy one a year to have in the house, and when I am done with that, I just put it in the

ground. Next year, it will usually bloom in the Spring and in the Fall. I have brought out my big orange tote full of Fall decorations, and have begun decorating for the season. Already, I can smell the aroma of pumpkin & spice candles burning in our home. I suppose I should have waited until my cleaning and organized were complete, but I get too excited and seem to always but the buggy before the horse when it comes to decorating!
Now that the cooler season is upon us, I have been putting much
thought into our menus. We adjusting from our Summer B-B-Q menu to the comfort foods that we love so much. Soups, pies, and homemade bread is now on my mine for the
upcoming weeks ahead. I have already made a pear pie from the tree that was growing in my parents yard. I have frozen several "pear pie in a bag", so in the winter all I have to do is to make the pie crust, throw the pears in, and bake!

Lastly, I want to
make some fun family memories this Fall. It is so important to make warm memories for your children that will last. This weekend I hope to take the kids to our yearly trip to the apple farm. In a couple weeks, we will be looking forward to a hay ride and some warm apple cider!! I just purchased some new candy molds with my 40% off coupon, so my children and I will be making some fall chocolates together this year as well. This wonderful season will be over before you know, take advantage of it while you can!