The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.~Mark Twain
I love to read books that are inspirational it me as a Catholic wife and mother. The Mother of the Little Flower, is a book that I want to recommend to you today that is one of those rare jewels. The book is written about Zelie Martin, the mother of St. Therese, by her sister Celine Martin. Zelie Martin married at age 27 and bore nine children. She ran a successful home business and at the same time raised one of the most beloved Saints of our times, The Little Flower. This is such an inspiring book about the life of such a charitable, pious Catholic mother. Zelie Martin passed away at age 45 of breast cancer, but has left us with such an amazing legacy. Zelie Martin was declared Venerable by the Church in 1994 for her Heroic Virtue, and her cause is now progressing toward Beatification. This books is available from Tan Publishing.
I would love to hear from women about books that have made such an impact on the lives as this one has made on mine. Please let me know via the comment section or on facebook, via the badge in the margin.
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