Do you take advantage of the coupons in your local Sunday paper? Playing the coupon game could save you up to 50% off your grocery bill a week, no kidding. It isn't as hard as you might think in finding those coupon deals to slash your grocery bill. The Internet highway is making it easier then ever before and will actually find your local deals for you.
A great resource is couponmom.com. This website is worth signing up for to make your grocery dollars stretch. This website actually tells you the deals per store and which coupons to use, and what week they appeared in your local newspaper. If there is coupons available online for that particular product, it has the link right there to print it out. You can even sort the lists. For example, you can sort the items by the percentage off the that you will be saving starting with 100%. Yes, you can save 100% percent off an item and get it for free. Last week, I made my son very happy with a pack of free tic-tac's (His favorite!).
One thing that makes it easier to use this system on couponmom.com is to not clip the coupons right away. Take your coupon booklets out of the paper and mark on front the date that they were in the paper. This way, when coupon mom says it came in the paper on 10/23, you can go right to that circular and pull it out. After you sign up (you create and id by your email address) just click on the tab for "Grocery Deals by State", you will find a video explaining the easiest way to utilize this website. And best of all, this website is available for us to use for FREE!
You too can slash your grocery bill every week by following this simple plan. It helps not to be brand loyal, and know the coupon policies of your local grocery store. My favorite store in our area is Giant Eagle because they actually double the value of the coupons, adding up to dollars that I save my family every week.
A concept that is good to get use to is idea of stockpiling. When items go on sale, you buy in bulk. The stores put different items on sale each week, and it takes about three months to build a good stockpile. Once your stockpile is established, you rarely need to buy anything that is not on sale, other than fresh foods like dairy and produce. Once you get use to this system, you will get really good at setting limits for yourself. For example, I now never pay more than fifty cents for toothpaste and deodorant. If you are not a serious couponer, now is a great time to start, you will be amazed at the savings you will find for your family!!
I love couponing as well! I'm cutting them out right now, I have doubles today at our local store. Have a nice day.