For Eastern Catholics of The Byzantine Rite, the Fast in preparation for Jesus's Birth has begun. It called the St. Phillips Fast, because it begins the day after the Feast of St. Phillip the Apostle (November 14th). It is similar to the Western Advent, but instead it is for 40 days instead of four weeks. To prepare to meet our Lord and Savior on His birth, we are called to fast and do penance. We can Sanctify this time by spending time in His word, fasting, and being of service to those that need us. It is a wonderful time to remember the less fortunate, for Jesus Himself came to us in poverty.
I believe it is important whether you be either Western Or Eastern Catholic to be mindful to use this time to prayerfully prepare for our Lord's birth. It is to easy to get lost in all the baking and shopping that is done to prepare for this Holy Day, and loose site of the "Reason for the Season". Whether you be of Eastern or Western Catholic Faith, may you have a blessed and spiritually fruitful time as you prepare for Our Lord's birth.
Let's get the word out-especially to Byzantine Catholics who perhaps have forgotten our traditions