
The Catholic Mother's Bookshelf

Some Quotes for you to ponder:

The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.
~Mark Twain

Employ your time in improving yourself by other peoples writigs, so you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for.
~ Socrates

One of the strongest charecteristics of genius is the power of light its own fire.
~John Foster

Here is a listing of books for further reading and inspiration, if you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Beloved and Blessed, by Kimberly Hahn:
The third in a series of Bible studies based on Proverbs 31, Beloved and Blessed offers tools to help you strengthen your marriage and raise your children, creating a civilization of love in your home. Applying Sacred Scripture, Church teaching and pastoral wisdom, Kimberly Hahn helps you explore: marital intimacy, responsible parenthood, facing the financial future without fear, strategies for disciplining and instructing children, trusting God when parenting hurts

Grace & Gifted, Biblical Wisdom for a Homemakers Heart, by Kimberly Hahn

The Mother of The Little Flower, by Celine Martin.  This book is written about Zelie Martin, the mother of St. Therese, by her sister Celine Martin. Zelie Martin married at age 27 and bore nine children. She ran a successful home business and at the same time raised one of the most beloved Saints of our times, The Little Flower. This is such an inspiring book about the life of such a charitable, pious Catholic mother. Zelie Martin passed away at age 45 of breast cancer, but has left us with such an amazing legacy. Zelie Martin was declared Venerable by the Church in 1994 for her Heroic Virtue, and her cause is now progressing toward Beatification.


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